Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Seven Months!

Reese is 7 months old this week!

Things Reese can do:
*Sleep 12 hours a night.
*Eat solids and love them, especially green beans.
*Drink out of a sippy cup.
*Roll over both directions with extreme efficiency.
*Crawl everywhere and get into most everything.
*Move from crawling or lying on her back to the sit up position all by herself.
*Sleep on her tummy with her legs tucked under her and her bum in the air.
*Grow teeth :). She’s got two bottom teeth.
*Hum and pretend to sing. It's too cute.
*Jabber and squeal at all her favorite things.

Things Reese loves:
*Playing with toys.
*Playing with other little kids.
*Being thrown up in the air or haning upside down.
*Eating frozen Pineapple in her mesh feeder.
*Drinking from Mommy or Daddy's cups.
*Playing with Daddy's glasses.
*Singing with Mommy.
*Reading books.
*Watching Sesame Street. (I've tried the Baby Einstein stuff but they just don't hold her attention like Sesame Street.)
*Chewing on her shoes.
*Swinging at the park.  It's the new favorite.

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