Thursday, April 2, 2009

My latest favorite baby thing...

I love that Reese eats solids now. It's so fun to have her eat with us and try all kinds of new foods. That's why this product is my latest favorite baby thing. It's a portable food mill that can turn anything we're eating into baby food.

I simply take the things we are eating for dinner and make them into baby food for her. Example: Tonight we had chicken and rice, green beans & mangos. I put each of the items into the mill and she ate what we ate. Obviously there are some things that don't quite translate into baby food, like tacos, hamburgers etc... But Arnold and I have been trying to eat really healthy lately so about 90% of our meals work really well. We eat a lot of lean protein, fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains.

The other great thing is that it comes with a little carrying case so you can take it to restaurants, grandma's house, or where ever.

(Click here for a link to the Kidco website. They have a lot of great baby products.)

I know it sounds very ambitious but I've been trying to make as much of Reese's baby food as possible. I like the idea of her eating fresh foods. Most importantly, I like the idea of her getting used to the taste of food I've prepared. That way when she transitions from baby food to table food, it will taste the will just be whole.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

That is so awesome. I love this idea. I am sure that the meals you are preparing will give her more nutrition that a jar of baby food and it will be much easier on your pocket book for sure. Thanks for sharing.