Thursday, April 23, 2009

I rocked today!

Work out - done
Laundry - done
Irnonig - done
150 mini cupcakes baked & frosted for Gina's shower - done
25 personal lotion bottles for shower giveaway made - done
quality outside play time with Reese - done
Husbands favorite dinner cooked - done
Seven Peaks Press Releases written - done
Proposals for 2 new clients - done
Radio Schedule for Bennett Comm. placed - done

I was a domestic goddess and a PR Queen today!  These kind of days are pretty I had to document it.  Now I need a bed!!


Ty and Meg said...

Holy cow woman! You are on fire. I need some of your energy.

Chellese said...

I love those ULTRA productive days, but I usually pay for them with multiple lazy days after. Good work!

Julie Kaye said...

YOU DO ROCK!! If I can get dressed and Make mac-n-cheese before I change for bed......I have to feel good!! What you did in a day would take me a month! Go Wonder Woman!