Thursday, December 8, 2011

Colored up!

Yesterday as we were leaving the neighborhood to run some errands, we were stopped in front of the Gardner's house waiting to turn....

Reese: Look mom Tyler Gavin all colored up!
Me: What??
Reese: Tyler Gavin's house all colored up!
Me: (looking at where she's pointing) You mean they have Christmas lights up?
Reese: Ya mom. They got all colored up. Clair Lucy all colored up, Tyler Gavin all colored up. We got to get colored up too mom. We gotta do it!
Me: (trying very hard not to laugh)...I guess you better tell your dad...we gotta get our color on.

Having a conversation with her dad...

Arnold: You know what I think Reese?
Reese: That I'm a genius!

Arnold and I couldn't stop laughing.

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