Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy hump day to Reese!

Yep...our little monkey turned 6 months old on March 10th. We can hardly believe she's been with us for half a year. Here are her stats:

19.2 lbs. - 95%
28.5 in. - 115%
43 Cm. - 70%

Our little Reesy is one tall little girl. She definitely takes after her daddy.

And a few fun facts:
1. Reese is seconds from crawling. On a couple of occasions we've actually seen her crawl forward a little, but she's not consistent yet. I think she's still trying to figure it all out, but I'm afraid it's going to be sooner than later. Not that it matters, she manages to get anywhere she needs to by scooting or rolling. I'm amazed daily at her ability to maneuver around. Nothing can stop her. It's driving me a little crazy. I really took for granted that short time of immobility.

2. Reese is excellent eater. She love's solids. Her favorites are green beans and peas. Believe it or not, she gets more excited for those than her fruits. However, the one exception would probably be frozen pineapple in her mesh feeder. She's her granddaddy's little girl and she loves her pineapple. I'm sure when she gets a little older my dad will introduce her to pineapple milkshakes and all will be lost.

3. Reese still sleeps long nights, 11 or 12 hours. She didn't used to be a very good nap taker, but I'm happy to report that she's now takes at least 2 good 1-2 hour naps a day. Sometimes she even sneaks in a 3rd in the early evening. Yea for mommy, more time to get things done!

4. Reese loves books! She used to be more interested in sucking on them than looking at them, but lately she will hand me a book and will sit perfectly still while I read it to her. I think she likes the sound of my voice when she's tired, as this usually happens right before a nap or bedtime.

5. Reese loves the water. Bath time is becoming more fun, and messier. She has discovered how to splash and she thinks it's pretty funny. I can't wait to get her into a pool this summer.

6. We're pretty sure Reese's eyes are going to be Hazel, just like her dad. When I was pregnant I always told Arnold that I hoped that if she got one thing from him, I wanted it to be his eyes. Arnold has beautiful eyes! And sure enough, she got them!


Louise said...

Happy 6 months old cute Reese! You are a sweetheart. So fun to see your photos. Love the blogs Mindi! You do a great job. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

She is so dang cute! Could you bring her over and have her give Brooklyn lessons on sleeping?