Sunday, April 18, 2010

Zoo Day!

The second Saturday in our goal to do something active and fun outside each Saturday of the summer, we decided to take Reese up to the Hoogle Zoo. Reese loves animals, so it was no surprise that she was in heaven the entire time. She squealed, talked, screamed, danced, and waved at every animal we saw. It's a good thing there were fences, walls, and cages to keep her from running right over to each and every one of them and giving them a big hug.

Not sure where she gets this "animal love" thing...neither Arnold or I have that same passion. I guess it's a good thing? Until she wants to bring one home.

On daddy's shoulders, Reese always had the best view.
Reese really wanted to share her fruit snacks....
...with this little guy!

She got a kick out of the giraffes licking their lips!
I couldn't help posting this Diva face!
We spent a lot of time keeping Reese from climbing right over these fences.
This is a good shot of Reese's new hair cut, and I love this little bum!

Reese made a new friend, who desperately wanted to share his cheese with her.

trying to speak bird!
This bunny wanted out, just as much as Reese wanted in.
This duck was eyeing Reese's finger, a nice pre-lunch snack.
Mommy & Baby Elephant...Mommy & Baby Reese

1 comment:

Louise said...

What choice pictures! Zoos are so fun to visit! Super family outing!
Reese is so expressive! Love it!