Sunday, October 18, 2009

She Loves Me!

On Saturday after we went to Cornbelly's, we stopped by Walmart for a few things. We were in the produce department and I had a little accident. I slipped on some fruit that someone had dropped on the floor. I twisted my ankle and literally fell flat on my back. Aside from the complete embarrassment and humiliation, I was ok. But what makes this story worth sharing and recording for my own memories, was how upset my little Reese was. As soon as I went down, she started screaming. As Arnold was helping me up, little Reese was sitting in the cart crying, with her arms outreached to me. Through her tears she kept saying, "Mama, mama, mama." When I got my balance I picked her up and she hugged me so tight, buried her head into my neck, and just kept saying "mama, mama, mama". I had to keep assuring her that I was ok. It took her a little while to calm down and realize everything was fine. Poor little monkey, she was more upset than I was. She loves me, she really loves me.

Just a fun little picture of the little girl that loves me.
This is how Reese and I watch TV together some times.

1 comment:

Chellese said...

Ah, Reese's reaction was so sweet. Sorry you had to fall down to witness it.