Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkins Pumpkins Pumpkins...

Monday night we got together with our good friends, the Gardner's, for a joint family home evening of carving pumpkins. I had envisioned Reese actually digging in and helping us do the carving, but she was much more interested in playing with Gavin and all his toys. I'm sure it was a lot more fun for her, and a lot less messy for me! So it all worked out. I had also wanted to get some cute pictures of the carving process but completely spaced it. So we just took after shots of the kids and their super cool pumpkins.

Gavin & Tyler, those are some awesome pumpkins!
We tried to get Reese to join the picture, but as you can see in the next few shots, it didn't quite work. I have one independent child. She doesn't do anything she doesn't want to do. She's just like her mommy!

Love that cheesy little Gavin smile.
We took a couple pictures the next day of our little family of pumpkins.


Natasha said...

Those pumpkins turned out super cute! I'm quite impressed. Reese is such a cutie. As for the potty training, yes, I did actually start James at nine months. I'm so glad I did. He now tells me when he needs to go. It's wonderful. So, I definitely recommend the book/methods. Good luck!

chingchong7 said...

Hey! Did Arnold steal my pumpkin? ha ha LOL! J/K Looks like we did the same pumpkin faces! (I'm assuming it's the biggest one)