Saturday, May 30, 2009

Today I cleaned. I mean I really cleaned, like I haven't cleaned in months. Baseboards wiped down, blinds cleaned, doors & door jams dusted, rugs washed, bed spreads washed, cupboards cleaned name it I cleaned it. It took me all day and every ounce of energy, but I managed to clean every square inch of my house. There's a lot of satisfaction in knowing that my house is totally clean.

I know by the end of the day tomorrow there will once again be little hand prints and slobber marks all over the fridge and oven. food will be thrown on the floor. Dishes will be left in the sink. The shower will have new water marks. Toothpaste will be splashed on the mirror. Shoes will be left out. Dirty clothes will be in the laundry baskets. The garbage cans will no longer be empty etc...etc...

But tonight the house is silent, the baby and husband are sound asleep, and the house is clean...totally clean. I'm just going to bask in this rare and perfect moment.

1 comment:

Chellese said...

You are really efficient and motivated to get ALL of that done in one day. Wish I have that kind of energy.