Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bubbles Bubbles in my hair...

bubbles, bubbles everywhere... Or so reads one of Reese new favorite Sesame Street books. So we figured she should experience a bubble bath.

This is how it went...

what are all these strange bubbly things?
What am I supposed to do mom?
Can I touch them? Can I play with them?
Why is daddy piling them on my head?? I'm not sure I like that!
I don't know...maybe these things can be fun?
Yea...maybe they are fun! Maybe I like all these bubbles!
Yes, yes I do like them! These bubble are fun!
I like them mom! I really really like them!
Even if I do have a cone head. Thanks Dad!
I think I'm kind of cute in all these bubbles!
But wait! I'm liking this shampoo style as well!
Yes! This has been one fun bubble bath!!