Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This is the announcement!

So I got reprimanded by some of my friends last night that I haven't made an official, formal announcement that we are expecting. I buried the news in a couple posts awhile back, but here it is in big bold, front page, headline, News!

Baby Thiebaud #2 is in the oven! He or she will join our family mid July 2010. It seems like forever to me, but I know it will sneak up on us sooner than we expect. Already this pregnancy seems to be going more quickly. Some days I forget I'm pregnant. With Reese to run after and all the things I have going. I'm too busy to obsess about being pregnant like I did with my first.

That being said, we are super excited and thrilled to grow our little family. Thanks for every one's love and support. I'll keep you posted on the progress.


Estela said...

Congratulations!! The baby is so lucky to have you as his/her mom.

You are an example to me.

{lindy baker cakes} said...

Oh Mindi. That is so great! We are so happy for you guys! I can't wait to find out what you're having!

Unknown said...

I can't remember if I said congrats so congrats possibly twice. I'm pretty jealous you are able to forget you are pregnant. you are very lucky

Mindika said...

Thanks Carrian! And don't worry, the "forgetting" days are long over. I've been sicker than a dog lately. The constant cycle of nausea, hunger, no fun. And then there's the syatic (sp?) problems that make every step I take completely painful.

I've heard you've been really sick as well. I hope you're doing ok??