Monday, September 8, 2008


For those of you wondering, no we haven't had the baby yet. But it's not for lack of trying every possible way to self induce labor :) I had several friends worn me that the last 2-3 weeks are complete torture and I didn't realize how right they would be. Just when you think it can't get any does. I will spare all of you the details of some of my latest new symptoms or "Reese's torture devices" as I call them but one I will share, just because it's so odd and I never knew it was something that could happen, is itchiness. Now when I say itchiness, I mean my entire body itches from my head to my toes and not just a little. I mean, I want to rip the skin from every square inch of my body, itchiness! It got so bad Sunday morning...well middle of the night...that we called the hospital and they had me go to labor and delivery to be checked out. (This was my third trip to labor and deliver in the last 2 weeks...all stories for another time.) After and hour or so of monitoring the baby and making sure she was ok, they sent me home with the instructions to take an antihistamine (did nothing) and see my doctor first thing Monday morning. So for the last 24 hours or so, I’ve just lived in complete agony.

When my belly first started showing several months ago, Arnold came up with the nickname "belly" for me. He's called me that throughout the pregnancy. So while I was laying in the hospital bed on Sunday morning in complete agony he decided that my new nickname is "miserabelly". He's so supportive and helpful :) Just kidding he really has been. Through every ache and pain he has been nothing but compassionate and loving.


Tran said...

Oh Mindi, I am sorry to hear your pain.. I am checking your blog more frequently as I am excited for the news to come. I have read that itchiness is common as your skin stretches as I have gone through it on and off but not from head to toe. I hope she comes soon so you don't have to suffer no more. Will have to talk to you about all the other stuff you've been getting to prepare myself in case it happens to me. Good luck.

Tennisa Nordfelt said...

Hang in there least the baby is contained and easy (relatively)to carry around inside of you. Enjoy it while you can...if you can. (You'll get what I mean later). I'm thinking of you and thinking happy birthing thoughts for you. :)


Unknown said...

YEAH, I don't miss that. Good luck!!

chingchong7 said...

Oh my friend - hang in there. Little Reese is going to be here soon and you will forget all the miserable things during your pregnancy! I'm very impressed you were able to post on your blog, I know how tired and exhausted you are! It will all be over soon and it will only get better!

Heather said...

I've been checking your blog regularly for the news, also! Can't wait to see that she's finally here!

Britney said...

Hang in there Mindi! I promise it will all be worth it in the end.

Lisa said...

I feel your pain Mindi! I've been checking your blog frequently to see if baby Reese has made her debut. Hang in there and know there are so many of us thinking of you!

Kelly & Tasha said...


I'm sorry to hear of all the craziness with pregnancy! I've been watching your blog to see when you have her. Good luck with everything and hang in there. I can't wait to hear the news.

The Laidlaws said...

I went through the itchiness too...not fun. I'm hoping your little girl makes her debut soon and gives you some relief! =)