Monday, June 23, 2008

A Tribute to My Favorite Girls!

10 years ago this week my sister was gearing up to have her #3 and last child. A little girl! It would be my second little niece. I was so excited. I had missed the birth of my first niece, Riley, while I was on my mission. I couldn't wait to have a new addition to the family to spoil. Then on June 25th little Mycol, who I now call little "m" was born. She was such a beautiful little baby. If there's one thing my sister does really well...let's be honest my sister does just about everything really well...but what she really really does well, is have beautiful children.

To help my sister out I went down and picked up my nephew Logan and my niece Riley and we had a great sleep over followed by a fun day at Lagoon. I really wish I had a scanner (this was back before the digital camera age), because if I did I'd scan the funniest picture I have of Riley passed out in the back seat of my car after a long fun day at Lagoon. Her hair is standing up on end from the cotton candy she'd rubbed in it earlier, and she's desperately hanging on to a rainbow sucker the size of her head that after falling asleep became stuck to the side of her face. But even through deep sleep, she maintained an iron clad grasp on the dang thing. Defiantly a 2 year olds dream day at Lagoon.

Anyway, back to the point of this post. In honor of my little "m's" 10th birthday, and in honor of Riley who turned 12 in April, before I was a blogger. I'm posting the slide show above. Some of my favorite pictures of my favorite little girls.

Happy Birthday girls! I love you to the moon and back!


pam said...

Mindi - you are the cutest aunt
EVER! They are SO lucky to have you!!!

Janelle said...

Hey we are having the garage sale this weekend you in?