Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Reese Update

Several people have asked me for more info on the baby, now officially named Reese. So your wish is my command. She is doing very well all snuggled up in my tummy. Our last ultrasound showed her strong and healthy measuring at just the right size and all vital organs are developing as they should. The best news from the ultrasound was that her head is measuring just a little below average, no worries; my doctor assures me that will only make for a much easier delivery.

I first began to feel her moving around inside me at about 19-20 weeks. It was pretty random at that point and could have easily been mistaken for gas, but she is making her presence more and more known every day. Her favorite position seems to be resting nicely on my bladder. As a result the toilet paper usage has almost doubled in our house over the last couple of months. In reality the resting on my bladder I can deal with, it's when she starts kicking it that problems begin to arise. The other day I finally felt her kick from the outside; meaning with my hand on my tummy I could feel her kick as well as internally. I hope that makes sense. Arnold tried to feel her as well, but in the tradition of most babies, as soon as he tried she stopped moving. They never like to perform on demand. He eventually got board just sitting with his hand on my tummy. I am very excited for the day that he will finally be able to feel her moving as well.

There she goes, she's kicking as I type. She must know she's being talked about. It's her way of saying hello!


Unknown said...

Ok, that is cute! I need to meet her! Reese, get going we all want to see you!!!

The Laidlaws said...

I love the name Reese! Great pick. Isn't it a wonderful yet weird feeling when they kick? The first time it happened to me I was sitting at work and when I felt the sensation I thought my stomach was rumbling or something. It took me a minute to realize what it was!