Friday, May 9, 2008

Me & Little "m"

If you know me at all, you know that my neices and nephews are some of my favorite people in the whole world. Up until I got married, I felt like my greatest achievment in life was that of "Favorite Aunt". My little neices Riley and Mycol are especially important to me. There's just something about little girls that melt your heart. I could fill books with stories of how cute, smart, and funny they are. That's probably why I'm so excited to be having a little girl of my own, especially because my "little" neices are growing up. They're not so little anymore. Riley just turned 12 last month and Mycol is almost 10. They will always be my little best friends though. More importantly they are going to become the best babysitters little Reese could ever ask for. Right Girls??
(This picture is of me and Mycol, little "m" as I like to call her, at her school a couple weeks ago.)


Janelle said...

I am so excited that you have a blog!

chingchong7 said...

Wow- Mycol is growing up soo fast! Love your hair!