Monday, April 9, 2012

Anni's poem

For Reese's 1st birthday I wrote her THIS poem. The poem below I've written for Anni, but both poems could easily be for both my beautiful girls, who I will never be able to repay for the most wonderful gift of motherhood.

for Anni on her 1st birthay, love mom

The cry of your first breath,
My quivering lips on your plump cheek,
Our first sweet kiss,
Reflections in your steel blue eyes,
Warm tiny body curled on my bare chest,
The tight grip of your little fingers,
Shoulder naps as you nuzzle my neck,
The quiet bonding of your midnight feedings,
Your strong determined body rolling over,
Squealing delight with your first green beans,
Chubby little knee’s determined to crawl,
Splash battles during your nighttime bath,
Angelic hum as you sing along to your lullabies,
Sharp teeth biting down on my un-expecting finger,
Tender lips mouthing the word “mama”,
Wobbly little legs bravely taking their first steps,
Your beautiful face lighting up when I walk in the room,
Contagious giggles as you play with your sister,
Wispy blond curls around your ears,
Tight hugs and open mouth slobbery kisses,

One year and a thousand gifts you’ve given me every day,
Most treasured, most valued, most beautiful, forever…motherhood.

With all that you’ve given, what possible gift could I give you,
Most treasured, most valued, most beautiful, forever…unconditional love.

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