Wednesday, June 13, 2012


The other night Reese and Anni made a huge mess at dinner; scattering rice and peas all over the floor. After dinner I told Reese she needed to help me clean up the mess under and around her chair....

Reese: Mom you gonna help me clean up my mess?
Me: (on my hands and knee's under Anni's highchair) As soon as I finish cleaning up all Anni's crap.

A few minutes later as I come over to help her...

Reese: Mom you finished cleaning up Anni's crap mess?
Me: (Realizing I really need to watch the words I use around my girls) Yes honey, I'm going to help you now.
Reese: Look mom I almost done cleaning up my crap mess.

After we finished...

Reese: Look mom, no more crap mess all over!

Yep...I really do need to stop using the word CRAP!


Chellese said...

I can TOTALLY relate, Mindi!

Whitney said...

So so funny. And crap is not the worst of the words..