Sunday, July 11, 2010

Red Rock Vacation

On Wednesday we headed to red rock county...Moab, for the big Nordfelt family reunion. We got there a day early so we could spend some quality Thiebaud family time before the reunion started.

The one and only miss-step of our trip and probably not the smartest move made by Reese's parents...trying to hike to delicate arch at 1 in the afternoon, right at nap time in 100+ degree heat...big mistake. We turned around about a quarter of the way in and decided to find an easier, cooler hike... Reese was dripping sweat and pretty cranky about riding in her back pack. But she looked pretty darn cute with her bandanna head wrap.

The easier cooler hike of double arch.

Reese was bound and determined to hike the whole way, all by herself. She climbed every single one of the stairs and wouldn't even hold our hands for help.

This is her with the end in sight.

I have an explorer on my hands. Reese really wanted to climb all over these rocks. It was quite the fight to keep her by our sides. She wants to be grown up so bad.

Playing in the hotel with daddy...its sooo past her bed time. She was hysterically tired.

The view from our hotel room. We stayed at the Red Cliff's Lodge up Castle Valley.

The family reunion was held up at my families cabin in the La Sal Mountains. It was about 15 miles away from our hotel. One night as we were headed back to the hotel, we saw the most beautiful rainbow over Castle Valley.

Reese's favorite part of the week...4 wheeling. She was hooked the minute the wind hit her face. She would have been happy if we spent the entire time just driving around on the 4 wheelers. She kept asking, "Go fo wide, go fo wide". While we were riding she would say, "Weeee, weeee", and clap her hands. One night I took her on a long ride up to look out point. From there you can look out and see all of Castle Valley. She was amazed and kept saying, "awhhh". On the way back down the mountain, we saw a cow, deer, lots of flowers, birds, some squirrels...she was so excited. It was fun to have such a special little experience with her. I know she won't remember it, but I always will.

When we weren't taking Reese for a ride, she liked to just sit on the 4 wheeler and pretend to drive.

The pretty cactus flowers at the hotel.

On one of the days, everyone went and rafted the Colorado River. So Grandma, me and Reese hung out at the hotel. We went swimming and then had some fun play time.

Grandma N and Reese swinging.

After 3 days with no naps and late nights...Reese finally gets a little snooze before we head up to camp for dinner. She is so stinking cute when she sleeps.

Reese and some of her cousins went on a wild flower hunt. She brought back this cute little bouquet for us.

We had a little deer that kept visiting our camp. We saw him at least once a day.

One of the days Reese and Canyon (her 2nd cousin) were determined to get as close as they could. They got pretty darn close, until Reese screamed and scared the poor thing away. I tell ya, our little Reese has no fear.

Anyone who knows the Nordfelts, knows that they don't mess around cooking in the mountains. This is the kitchen set up, producing gourmet food for every meal. This particular night we were having a southern style shrimp, clam, & brat boil.

Reese's Grandpa of the master chef's

Reese with some of her 2nd cousins...waiting for chow time.

We had a great time in Moab. It was such a fun vacation and break from every day life. Now it's back to reality!


jules said...

I love Moab! Those pics w/ Arnold and Reese are precious.

Brad and Michelle Peterson said...

Looks like you had a blast. I love Moab but we haven't been there in years. After seeing all your pictures we are going to have to plan a trip when life settles down a bit.