I'm not one to make New Years resolutions; I never have been. In fact this may sound crazy, but I've never really been much of a goal setter; not officially anyway. I never write stuff like that down. In fact the few times in my life that I've tried to write down goals or have been forced to so (you know those lovely church programs), it always backfires and I never get anything done.
I have, however, always been good at accomplishing anything I set my mind to. Usually I just decided one day that I want to do something and that's it, something clicks inside me and I start doing it, or taking steps to make it happen. That's just how I roll. It's always worked for me. It must be that stubborn independent streak in me.
I mean really, I know all the things I need to be doing, or doing better, or working on. I don't need to write them down. When I'm ready, when my mind and heart decide to make it happen. It will happen...trust me!
But just for fun. I thought I'd give this "writing down" thing a try this year. Besides...most of what I need to or want to accomplish in the next 12 months is going to happen, whether I like it or not.
1. Finish my last 12 weeks of pregnancy, before it kills me.
2. Potty train my 2 year old, before I finish #1.
3. Finish my sewing projects before I finish #1.
4. Stop complaining so much to my husband about all my aches, pains, and misery...but not until I finish #1. (Sorry my love)
5. Get through a nights sleep without 3 pillows, half a bottle of Tums, and a dozen trips to the bathroom. Once again...after I finish #1.
6.. Train my new sweet baby to sleep through the night by 8 weeks, just like her sister...ok, so maybe this is more of a dream, or hope, definitely a wish and a prayer.
7. Enjoy every minute I get to spend with my husband and two girls this summer, fall and winter; miscarriage free and pregnancy free.
There might be a few other things I want to do, but I'm not going to take the chance, write them down and jinx myself. If they're supposed to happen, don't worry, they will happen.
PS. To Grandma's... Christmas photo's will be coming soon.