Sunday, June 27, 2010

Just the boys...

These men love to give us a hard time about what a "hard" life we mom's lead...playing outside with the kids all day, deciding whether to go to the pool or the park or just stay home and swim in the front yard, eating Popsicles and shooting the breeze. Yes, it sounds like a good life, doesn't it?

So, these men got a little taste of mommyhood on Saturday. The difference...while we mommy's are playing outside with the kids we don't have another mommy inside cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry for us. And we certainly don't have another mommy who brings us out snacks and drinks, or checks on us every 30 minutes to see if we need anything.

But I'm glad these men got to enjoy some leisure time with their kiddo's. They do work very hard all week, so we mommy's can live the life we do.


Iliana said...

It was so nice to be the one to get something done inside! They are good dads!

Whitney said...

Very well put.