Sunday, May 2, 2010


Our little friend Holden Bunker had a birthday! He loves mustard...the word mustard. So his mom thought it would be fun to have a mustard party.

It started with a yummy mustard cake!

Reese, however, opted for a cupcake...this kid loves cupcakes.

There's a reason why Reese is dressed like a homeless child...why all the kids are dressed in their grubby clothes.

But first the presents...

But then...the mustard...the mustard fight. Because what else do you do at a mustard party?
(At the last minute Reese actually opted to sit on the side lines and watch...well mom decided for her. I was afraid she wouldn't react too well if someone doused her with mustard.)

But most the other kids had a blast spraying mustard all over each other. Like Delin Peterson.

and Gavin Gardner
A few of the other side liners!
Tyler Gardner had a pretty good time as well.

Thanks Holden (and mom) for an awesome party! Happy Birthday!!

1 comment:

Chellese said...

Three Cheers for the Mustard Party! I've been meaning to do a post, but having problems downloading my pics (UGH). I might have to steal a couple of yours :)