Sunday, May 15, 2011

Little tiny little bit...

I hear these words about a hundred times a day. It's Reese's new favorite phrase. It's her go-to phrase any time she's told "NO".

You have to imagine her head tilted to the side with those big brown doughy eye's, and a soft little voice...

Reese: Can I have a cookie?
Mom: Not right now, it's almost lunch time.
Reese: (insert adorable face) Please mom, little tiny little bit cookie?

Reese: Can I watch George?
Mom: No, it's bed time.
Reese: (insert adorable face) Please mom, little tiny little bit George?

Reese: (Reaching for and trying to get to my make-up)
Mom: Reese get out of my make up right now!
Reese: (insert adorable face) Little tiny little bit make-up mom? get the point. I have to say, at first it was just so darn cute that Arnold and I had a hard time resisting, but we're not as big of push overs any more.

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