Saturday, August 28, 2010

Almost 2!

Some random Reese moments to remember:

I told Reese she could put her drawing on the fridge...she must have thought I said "in the fridge". My crisper drawer is now full of art work. I tried to explain they go on the outside, but she wants them inside. Oh well, now every time I go for an apple, I can admire Reese's artistic ability!

This morning Reese was in a bad mood. She wanted everything she couldn't have...and after telling her no more times than she wanted to hear, she started hitting me in frustration. I put her in time-out and after a minute or two, we sat down for a little chat about 'not hitting mommy'. Half way through my talk about 'using your words' and 'hitting is not nice', Reese looked at me with a frustrated face and started to raise her hand to me. I stopped mid sentence and said, "Reese Celeste, if you hit me you are going to be in big trouble." Her hand immediately stopped, she sat frozen for a couple seconds; hand in the air. I could see her little mind working and thinking things through. Then she tilted her head to the side with the sweetest little smile. She took her hand and instead of hitting me she stroked my cheek softly and patted my head while saying, "sorry mama. love you!" She is a clever and smart little cookie. I had to try really hard not to laugh.

Reese is convinced we are having another girl. When we tell her there is a baby brother or sister in mommy's tummy, she immediately corrects us and say's, "sister!" The other day I asked her if maybe it would be ok if she had a brother instead of a sister? She gave me a disapointed face with a questioning voice and said, "sister?". Who knows, maybe she's privy to information we don't have, but I'm hoping if by chance we have a boy...she'll find a way to be ok with it.

1 comment:

Julie Kaye said...

I love her antic's! I wonder sometimes when little kids are so determined about the sex of a child if they really don't KNOW!?!? It is amazing that most of my friends who have had this happen....the child has been spot on. I will be curious!!