Reese... such a big girl and a great big sister. But I tell her everyday that she's still my baby, and everyday she does sweet and cute little things that not only make me smile, they make me love her more and more. Like...
Instead of saying "how come mom?", she say's "why cause mom?".
She sings to herself when she's on the potty.
She pretends to call her friends and her cousins Riley and Mycol on her pretend phone and has full one sided conversations about what she's wearing and what she's doing and the cartoons that she's watching.
Any time she's watching Loony Tunes, and Road Runner comes on, she say's, "Wode wunner...gwampa's favit." (My dad has always loved the Road Runner cartoon. Last time he was visiting they watched it together, and she hasn't forgotten.)
When I put her to bed at night she's started asking for made up stories. I try to tell her stories about princesses, but she wants stories about snakes, frogs and monkeys. She's a little animal lover.
She's as stubborn as they come, just like her mom, and she insists on doing just about everything by herself. Including picking out her clothes and getting dressed, making her bed, putting on her shoes, stirring her chocolate milk, combing her hair etc, etc....
...just keeps getting cuter and cuter and we just can't get enough.
She smiles, giggles and coo's more and more each day. She definitely a mamma's girl and often won't let anyone else hold her.
She has the most beautiful blue eyes and the sweetest little cheeks. I just want to nibble on them all day.
She's finally started eating better now that we have her on the most expensive formula available. We're just hoping that her expensive taste isn't a tell for years to come.
She's also a pretty good sleeper. She sleeps 10-12 hours a night about 6 days a week. However she likes to keep us on our toes so she still likes to party in the middle of the night, at least one day a week. Lucky for me Arnold is always willing to take her to the basement and party with her, so I can sleep. We've discovered that he functions much better on no sleep than I do.
We definitely think we're the luckiest parents in the world, to have two healthy and adorable little girls.
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